Winston 100s - Deep Inhales, Puffs in your face, Triple pumps, Double puffs, Nose exhales, Smoke rings, Red vinyl catsuit, Red high heel boots, Red lipstick, Long shiny nails, tied up hair, glasses
Winston 100s - The Lady in Red and Black - Smoker's cough, Double puffs, Smoke in your face, Nose exhales, Long drag, Red vinyl bodysuit, Black Vinyl Shorts, Black Pantyhose, Mega high heels, Heavy makeup, Red lipstick , Long black nails
Darkside Custom - Red Marlboro - EXTREME COUGH, difficulty smoking and breathing - Deep Inhales, Double pumps, Double puffs, Nose exhales, Long drag, Red croco mini dress, Pantyhose, High heels, Red lipstick, Heavy makeup, Long black nails, Long hair tied
Red Marlboro 100s USA - Power Smoking - Puffs in your face, Smoker's cough, Double pumps, Double puffs, Deep Inhales, Long drag, Nose exhales, Smoke rings, Red vinyl bodysuit and long skirt, Black Pantyhose, Mega high heels, Long hair and tied back, red l
Worship - Red Marlboro - Smoke rings, Deep Inhales, Long Drag, Double puffs, Nose exhales, Smoker's cough, Leather mini skirt, Thick thighs, Golden vinyl top, Pantyhose, Mega high heels, Long hair tied back, Red lipstick , Long red nails
Winston 100s - Elegant Barbie Milf - Puffs in your face, Smoker's cough, Deep Inhales, Multiple pumps, Double puffs, Nose exhales, Long drag, Smoke rings, Long pink metallic vinyl dress, Mega high heels, Long nails, Pink lipstick , Long hair tied back
All Star Converse, Red Marlboro, Vinyl Pants, Genuine Leather Jacket, Perfect Match - A Few Puffs in Your Face, Deep Inhales, Duplo Pumps, Duplo Puffs, Smoke Rings, Nose Exhales, Crush, Makeup, Red Lipstick and Long Red Nails
DUNHILL - The Vinyl Lady - A few puffs in your face, Deep Inhales, Nose exhales, Double puffs, Smoke rings, Crush, High heels, Pantyhose, Long hair, Red lipstick, Long nails
Marlboro reds 100s - Proud of my always full ashtray - Deep Inhales, Nose exhales, Triple pumps, Double puffs, Smoke rings, Residual exhales, Long drag, Cough - Wearing a black mini dress, with black Pantyhose, high heels with red soles, Red lipstick and