Cuck Porn Videos

  • I'm all for community building, but maybe this whole "bring your wife to work day" thing needs to be restructured. At least mandate a flea bath, cause... fuck.

    Date: 04/10/24 Views: 182,085 Category:

  • Stewart's contribution to black history month takes an immediate nose dive when he realizes not all fetishes are built the same, and going into this battle unarmed wasn't exactly the hypebeast move he originally thought it was haha. []

    Date: 03/17/24 Views: 151,029 Category:

  • wtf is with this ❝i'm not stopping until medicare qualifies her for a wheelchair❞ approach to slamming married women nowadays? Call me old fashioned, but I preferred when it was more romantic and hidden in Taco Bell bathroom stalls.

    Date: 02/07/24 Views: 170,962 Category:

  • It may not be explicitly written, but there's only one translation for that body language. And it lives somewhere in between "I need to pay my taxes" and "$1 dollar pizza slices make me shit blood". Just three of life's little guarantees.

    Date: 01/28/24 Views: 250,707 Category:

  • ya dun cucked up now

    Date: 01/17/24 Views: 193,881 Category:

  • Date: 12/23/23 Views: 291,530 Category:


    Date: 11/30/23 Views: 478,609 Category:

  • If that isn't the look of a girl that's said "i' use dijon mustard as lubricant with for neighbor's mailbox" at Thanksgiving dinner, u can slap my bag & call me Sally. Now flip her over - I don't think Lorenzo got enough AIDS during his first pump.

    Date: 11/04/23 Views: 325,322 Category:

  • Not sure what actually happened here, but it doesn't look like an unannounced serving of Jossepi's homemade alfredo sauce was the reason for a time out. If you listen closely, it sounds like a neighbor was tired of the female's mating calls.

    Date: 10/25/23 Views: 227,934 Category:

  • Sitting down and watching somebody else crack your significant other's cornhole may be Oklahoma's favorite pastime, but it just doesn't make sense to me. With so many other ways to indulge your Tuesday afternoons, why choose this one?

    Date: 09/21/23 Views: 210,077 Category:

  • I kinda want to go down the rabbit hole. Anytime someone(s) makes middle aged woman squeal like a 2for1 Homegoods sale, all three of my balls start tingling and I'm interested. Unfortunately, nothing short of DNA is going to identify them.

    Date: 08/24/23 Views: 332,924 Category:

  • The Ralph Wiggum "heart rips in half" moment is at the 3:40 mark. Last time I saw a middle-aged woman roll her eyes like that was riding Kang & Kodos Twirl 'n' Hurl after a hearty breakfast of Malt Liquor. My mom wont talk to me anymore.

    Date: 08/13/23 Views: 228,321 Category:

  • The side effects of letting a complete stranger turn his power level to +skidrow abortion before going Hiroshima on ur wife's dirty corncob? Literally nothing. In fact, this might prove without doubt; the inner walls of her anus are nuclear proof.

    Date: 07/28/23 Views: 221,681 Category:


    Date: 06/19/23 Views: 168,177 Category:

  • That's what the source information claimed at least. Judging by the state of men in 2023, no actual proof is needed. At least you picked the right pilot, Stewart.

    Date: 05/26/23 Views: 158,174 Category:

  • The view's great. Just move your cock 3 inches to the left bro. Perfect.

    Date: 05/24/23 Views: 188,396 Category:


    Date: 04/14/23 Views: 208,954 Category:

  • An increasingly disturbing fetish keeps picks up more steam, but this time the female in question is a total right-swipe. Her snargleburger gets more attention than Elon Musk's Twitter and all I can do is wonder why. New Jersey's finest.

    Date: 03/24/23 Views: 203,537 Category:

  • 1 trailer park girl goes round the outside...

    Date: 03/21/23 Views: 191,901 Category:

  • → convinces wife to fuck other men
    → turns out she's actually into it
    → leaves her beta husband

    Date: 02/07/23 Views: 225,957 Category:

  • Had to look up our because I couldn't remember the last time I saw her put new content out. It seems she quit a while back, and that's a shame. Those Tinder videos she was making were borderline medical journals.

    Date: 01/16/23 Views: 198,318 Category:

  • Kind of a side note, but every time this dude makes a forward thrust her tits clap like a trained seal. I'm not supposed to find fish sticks erotic... yet here we are.

    Date: 12/31/22 Views: 208,940 Category:

  • Out of all the ways to catch an incurable disease on New Jersey's coastline, this actually only ranks #2 on the list. Our man is still 3 orders of deep fried Oreos and an Atlantic City hooker away from securing his gold medal. Shoot for the stars.

    Date: 12/25/22 Views: 190,950 Category:

  • So... who exactly do we blame here? The beta who lied about the tolerance of his wife's prairie dog nest , or the guy trying to brute force his way to a $17 payday? Don't have that answer, but 1 thing is for sure: The sequel is not in development.

    Date: 12/17/22 Views: 261,566 Category:

  • Step 1: Advertise your wife on Craigslist
    Step 2: Laugh as her uterus breaks
    Step 3: ????????
    Step 4: Profit

    Date: 11/15/22 Views: 233,663 Category:

  • #cubar

    Date: 11/07/22 Views: 222,538 Category:

  • Imagine spending weeks convincing your corner store Karen to accept the 2vs1 handicap match, only to sideline her with a cock that gets cease and desist letters from Nike. Just flip that thing over & hit it with a snowmobile again, you'll be aite.

    Date: 10/03/22 Views: 262,554 Category:

  • "Fearing for your life means it's working." - Wayne Gretzky

    Date: 09/25/22 Views: 274,851 Category:

  • Cuck: "What's happening babe?"
    Wife: "Shut up!"

    Date: 09/16/22 Views: 188,285 Category:

  • There's a thin line between what's considered acceptable forms of payment and what isn't on the street level of narcotics distribution. I can't tell you exactly where that line is drawn, but I do know Figgles McDickslap just fuckin crossed it.

    Date: 06/21/22 Views: 260,244 Category: